The success of a business depends heavily on building relationships with current and future clients. These relationships start with a solid foundation of credibility and trust, two aspects that should be apparent from the very start of any business interaction.
In order to establish credibility, a business needs to demonstrate the quality of its solutions or products. Brochures, websites, social posts, and communication materials should work together to support and validate a business. But what resonates most is when validation and endorsement come from a client or customer.
A business can claim they provide excellent customer service, for instance, but when a client talks positively – and authentically – about their firsthand experience, it can be a gamechanger.
There are many ways for businesses to bring client stories to the forefront. Testimonials, also known as third-party endorsements, can be utilized in the following ways:
- Quotes – The simplest way to capture validation from a client is to ask for a quote about their experience. Quotes can be added to a web page or newsletter in a format that is easy to read and understand. Adding an image of the person who provided the quote will add additional credibility and make the content stand out.
- Case Studies – A more formalized way to share testimonials and proof of performance, is through the creation of a case study. Case studies outline the problem that was solved by solutions or products offered by the business. Usually, they focus on a targeted and specific goal related to the business offering. They may feature one or several similar clients to tell the full story.
- Videos – As opposed to written content, video testimonials can be extremely powerful as they appeal to people both visually and emotionally. Beyond just reading the facts, video allows the viewer to see the authenticity on the face of the person providing the testimonial. According to HubSpot, visual content is more than 40 times more likely to get shared on social media channels like Facebook and Twitter compared to written text.
Credibility is essential to the success of any business. Capturing and distributing testimonials can go a long way in promoting a business, even to an individual who has never heard of the business before. The more third-party validation available for prospects to consume, the stronger and more trustworthy a business will become.
Unsure where to start building your company’s credibility? Contact ROOT3 for a strategy and content review.