Creating Your Own PR Moment
When it comes to communications, every client wants the same thing: positive press coverage. While every client wants it, few understand what it takes to get it. Public relations (PR) professionals outnumber journalists 5:1, so even when you have a compelling story and a charismatic spokesperson, standing out in today’s saturated world can be an uphill battle.

Working with three clients in three distinct industries, ROOT3 had moderate success with media placement and interviews – but like any results-driven marketing agency – we wanted more.
While brainstorming media and PR ideas for our clients, we identified a unique synergy around veteran hiring initiatives. From hiring and career placement to the benefits (and responsibilities) of being a veteran-owned business, our clients shared a common goal to create long-term career opportunities for veterans.
For our clients, the collective story was greater than its sum of parts. We pitched the idea of creating our own PR event – a Veteran Careers Summit – and our clients jumped at the chance.
“Media’s goal isn’t to find you,” explains says ROOT3 CEO Scott Christiansen, “it’s to find answers and sources for a story that may be months in the making. The Veteran Careers Summit provided a unique opportunity to nurture and strengthen media relationships but also to establish credibility for thought leaders, make key introductions to business leaders, and leverage the event for rich content pre- and post-event.”

“We would have never thought of organizing an event around veteran initiatives on our own,” says Exegistics CEO Stephen Olds, “nor would we have had the staff to bring it to life. ROOT3 presented the idea and together with the ICATT Apprenticeship Program and York Solutions, it just made sense.”
PR Results
Not only was the Veteran Careers Summit important for PR and for providing a platform to call attention to an important conversation around veteran hiring, it was good for business.
“ROOT3 put the right team together and recruited the right people to the event creating a networking and business building opportunity,” says Brandi Wills, SVP, Strategic Partnerships & Veteran Programs for York Solutions. “The PR event elevated our company in a number of ways and opened doors that we didn’t know existed. As a veteran-owned business, we have a unique point of view and our own approach to creating opportunities for veterans. ROOT3 understood that and created a one-of-a-kind opportunity.”
The public relations event accomplished five goals:
- Nurturing and strengthening media relationships
- Positioning participants as thought leaders and trusted resources
- Shining a light on helping veterans find meaningful careers
- Connecting participants with B2B prospects and partners
- Generating rich video content that was strategically distributed across platforms before, during, and after the event
“Media relations is a long game and it can be hard to stay top-of-mind in a crowded market like Chicago,” says Mario Kratsch Head of ICATT Apprenticeship Program and Vice President of GACC Midwest. “The Veteran Career Summit was a wonderful success in 2018. When we were asked if we’d like to sponsor again this year, the answer was overwhelmingly ‘yes!’”