QA Overview

The quality assurance process for a client website aims to ensure that the website is free from content errors, responsive issues, and any additional adjustments needed to enhance its overall performance and user experience. This process involves thorough testing and validation to deliver a polished and error-free website.

A well-executed quality assurance process is essential to ensure a client website is error-free, responsive, and meets high-quality standards. It not only enhances user satisfaction but also contributes to the website’s overall success and performance in the digital landscape.

Website Launch "Checklist"

  • Review all textual content for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
  • Ensure that all images, videos, and multimedia elements are correctly embedded and display properly.
  • Validate that all hyperlinks are functional and lead to the intended destinations*.
  • Confirm that the content aligns with the client’s branding and messaging guidelines.

Note: Internal links should NOT open in a new tab to ensure the user journey is tracked from beginning to end. External links should direct to a new tab to not interfere with the user journey.

  • Test the website’s responsiveness across various devices and screen sizes (desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones).
  • Verify that the layout and design adapt seamlessly to different screen resolutions and orientations.
  • Check for issues related to font size, spacing, and alignment on different devices.
  • Ensure that touch and swipe gestures work smoothly on mobile devices.
  • Validate the placement and functionality of mobile-specific elements (e.g., hamburger menus).
  • Confirm that the website’s mobile version is user-friendly and easy to navigate.
  • Ensure that mobile users can access all content and features without issues.
  • Test the website on multiple web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) to ensure consistent performance.
  • Verify that all website features, including forms and interactive elements, function correctly on different browsers.
  • Address any browser-specific issues or discrepancies.
  • Ensure that multimedia content (audio, video) plays without interruptions and with appropriate controls.
  • Thoroughly test all interactive elements such as forms, buttons, dropdown menus, and search functionality.
  • Validate user registration, login, and account management processes (if applicable).
  • Implement necessary adjustments to improve accessibility, such as alt text for images and keyboard navigation.

  • Verify that all users, including those with disabilities, can access and interact with the content.
  • Evaluate the website’s accessibility according to WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standards.

  • Employ browser caching and content compression techniques to enhance performance.
  • Minimize unnecessary scripts, images, and external resources that may slow down page loading.
  • Measure and optimize page loading times to ensure a fast and responsive user experience.
  • Collaborate with the development team to implement necessary fixes and adjustments.
  • Provide recommendations for further optimization and improvements, if applicable.
  • Compile a comprehensive quality assurance report that summarizes the testing process, identified issues, and their respective resolutions.

In-Progress QA's

Below is a list of current sites that have received approval to initiate the Quality Assurance process. Please use the corresponding form and provide a detailed description of your findings. If you have additional notes after the initial submission, you can use the form for a follow-up submission. These submissions will be automatically added to the Project’s Quality Assurance board in Asana and will be assigned to the Web Developer for necessary corrections.